王教授的科研团队(STAR Lab)利用其研发的智驱网平台所积累的大量交通、道路、事故及其它相关数据,对如何利用新兴的数据科学及计算手段解决关键交通问题进行了一系列有益的探索与尝试。发现人工智能及其它数据科学方法在交通检测、交通预测、实时控制、安全分析及决策支持领域的尝试性应用都取得了良好的效果,有着巨大的潜力。王教授将在本次报告中就交通领域近些年来涌现的新技术、新数据和新商业模型对交通学科的研究与教学所带来的挑战与机遇与大家进行深入的交流。
王印海教授为美国华盛顿大学(西雅图)土木与环境工程系交通工程专业终身教授以及电气和计算机工程系兼职教授,博士生导师。自2012年以来,担任美国联邦交通部西北区交通研究中心第10区(PacTrans)大学交通研究中心主任,华盛顿大学智能交通研究与应用实验室(StarLab)主任,IEEE第一届智慧城市大会会议主席,曾任海外华人交通协会(COTA)会长,IEEE智慧城市创意指导委员会委员,美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)交通与发展委员会2019年度主席,美国交通研究委员会(TRB)的人工智能和高级计算应用委员会主席,ASCE连接和自动驾驶汽车影响委员会联合主席,IEEE智能交通系统分会理事,IEEE智能城市技术活动委员会成员,担任ASCE《Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems》期刊连接和自动驾驶交通特刊主编。其主要研究领域包括交通传感、运输安全、运输数据科学、边缘计算、交通运营和仿真、智慧城市移动性以及AI方法和应用。发表期刊论文270余篇,google学术引用量为14,270。王教授多次参加国内和国际学术交流,并做了190场应邀发言以及330场学术报告,2018年获美国交通工程师研究所(ITE)教育奖,2020年获得IEEE国际智慧城市会议最佳论文奖,美国华盛顿州在册专业工程师。
Dr. Yinhai Wang is a professor in transportation engineering at Civil and Environmental Engineering and adjunct professor at Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Washington (UW). He has served as director for Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans), USDOT University Transportation Center for Federal Region 10, since 2012. He is also director of the USDOT Northwestern Tribal Technical Assistance Program Center. Dr. Wang was an elected governor for the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS) from 2011 through 2013 and served as the 2018-2019 president of Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) at American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). He serves as the chair for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Advanced Computing Applications Committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), co-chair for the ASCE Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Impact Committee, a member on the IEEE Smart Cities Technical Activity Committee, and the Connected and Automated Transportation Special Section Editor for ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems. His active research fields include traffic sensing, transportation safety, transportation data science, edge computing, traffic operations and simulation, smart urban mobility, and AI methods and applications. He has published over 270 peer-reviewed journal articles with over 14,270 citations on Google Scholar. He has delivered more than 190 invited talks and nearly 330 other academic presentations. He received the IEEE International Smart Cities Conference’s Best Paper Award for 2020 and ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering Best Paper Award for 2003. He was also the winner of Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Innovation in Education Award for 2018. He is a professional engineer registered in Washington.